Wonderful Review | Second PDC Series Activities of the 125th Canton Fair


The second PDC series of activities of the 125th Canton Fair came to an end today. During the exhibition, 52 excellent design companies / organizations from all over the world participated in the exhibition to show exhibitors the charm of original design and the concept of professional design. This PDC design event was brilliant, with 7 brand promotion and design events held in total, and the highlights were full.

The PDC Design Wisdom Event was fully occupied on the first day of the second phase of the 125th Canton Fair. During the selection of life wine sharing session, multiple audiences picked up wine glasses and enjoyed a beautiful and romantic afternoon with PDC.

At the China Culture and Innovation Design Forum, representatives of the Hong Kong Design Chamber and Hangzhou designers showed their expertise and forward-looking products, which benefited a lot.

In the Cup Design Forum event, GCC Design used three product cases to let audience friends realize that 'useful' is the essential direction of design, and it must be the same in the future.

In the brand and design forum activities, Orange Branding of China-Dutch Orange Brand Consulting Co., Ltd. proposed the concept of BCE (Branded Cross-border E-commerce), which extends brand thinking throughout the entire e-commerce brand building and operation In a systematic, consistent and standardized manner, using relevant professional knowledge, integrating various types of cooperation resources, and promoting the exponential growth of China's cross-border e-commerce enterprises.

On the design wisdom forum shared by Collectionstock, the founder Mr. Kenneth de Trazegnies showed the audience various fancy exquisite patterns and the intelligent design simulator provided by Collectionstock website.

In the second phase of the design event, PDC and MINISO jointly held the design forum and design night event with the theme of 'BETTER DESIGN BETTER LIFE'. On the afternoon of April 24th, PDC created an international forum for guests at the Westin Hotel in Canton Fair. Many design masters from Germany, Finland, South Korea, Japan, Italy, China and other places did wonderful things in their professional fields. The sharing also witnessed the official establishment of the Mingchuang Youpin Design Institute (MOD).

The following MINISO MOD · PDC Design Night was even more exciting. After the exciting PDC's tenth anniversary of the solicitation and release link, the MINISO online PDC released the second quarter design requirements, attracting many designers and design agencies Attention, finally, the new product launch of MINISO will push the atmosphere of the audience to a climax, and its excellent creativity has made the audience full of praise.