"Who is leading the industry" International Forum and Nome · PDC Design Night successfully held

On April 25, 'Who is leading the industry --- New Economy / New Retail / New Species / New Power · International Forum' jointly organized by the Canton Fair Product Design and Trade Promotion Center (PDC) and Guangdong Pusi Investment Co., Ltd. and 'NOME • PDC Design Night' was successfully held at the Westin Canton Fair.

The forum was hosted by British designer Michael Young, L + brand chief designer Li Fenglang, humanities and finance observer Qin Shuo, and today's capital founder and president Xu Xin, and cutting-edge product designer Zhao Bi served as the guest.


The theme shared by Michael Young is that design connects production and market. He believes that design must be connected to everything related to it. Whether it is pop music, culture, politics, nature or technological innovation, this is not just shape and form, but The environment is closely related to the existing things, and only innovation can create economic value.


Li Fenglang talked about the need for China's manufacturing industry to escape from the cage of mass production, shift the main body to the interpretation and record of a better life, create a brand with clear ideas and identifying characteristics, and then create a new sustainable civilization.


Qin Shuo said that the era of imagination economy is coming, and today's culture is different from ten years ago. Creativity and imagination are the driving forces for consumers in this era; the new business thinking core, to do better services, give them Provide content services that connect emotions and provide customers with a higher level of ideological value.


In particular, Xu Xin pointed out that the new retail model created by NOME is a combination of Swedish design capabilities and the advantages of China's supply chain, allowing high cost performance and good design to be combined with goods to create a colorful and beautiful life for mankind.

Through discussion and thought collision among professionals from the design, finance, and investment sectors, this forum conforms to the current development trend of the new economy and the tide of design innovation, inspires the industry to explore new power and new paths for self-improvement, Update iteration.


After the forum, in order to further promote the communication and exchange of participants, the 'NOME · PDC Design Night' event was grandly held in the evening. Wen Zhongliang, deputy secretary general of Canton Fair and Chen Hao, chairman of Guangdong Pusi Investment Co., Ltd. attended the event and delivered speech .


Wen Zhongliang said in his speech that since the establishment of PDC in 2011, the purpose of connecting design, promoting industry and enhancing value has been to gather global design resources, keep up with market demand, focus on the frontier of the industry, Close cooperation provides a docking platform. This design night event is another supporting value-added service launched by PDC, which allows designers, enterprises and buyers to better communicate and cooperate with each other to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.


NOME founder Chen Hao introduced the brand and revealed the brand's future trends. NOME will always take consumers as the center and stick to the corporate vision of 'creating a colorful and beautiful life for people'.

A total of more than 400 people attended the international forum and design night activities, including representatives of consulates in Guangzhou, leaders of various trading delegations, VIP exhibitors from the Canton Fair, purchaser representatives from the Canton Fair, PDC designer representatives, and media representatives. The guests gave high praise to this event.

The following are the highlights of this event
















