Design drives business! --Selection of wonderful stories of the first PDC design display of the 120th Canton Fair

In the first phase of the 120th Canton Fair, the PDC Design Exhibition attracted 54 companies from 12 countries / regions including the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, and Mainland China Design companies / institutions participated in the exhibition, covering various fields such as household appliance, consumer electronics, bathroom equipment, building materials and other product design, brand planning, retail space design, architectural design and so on. Design companies generally report that the effect of this exhibition has exceeded expectations.

Use actual sales to testify for design

Suzhou Xuanang Industrial Design Co., Ltd. has been focusing on the design of small household appliances for more than a decade, and is best at cleaning electrical appliances such as vacuum cleaners. Its service brands include Midea, Haier, Lenovo, Philips and so on. This year's exhibitor Wall Company is one of Xuanang's cooperative customers. In just 3 years, Xuan Ang provided design services to help Wall achieve sales from 30 million to more than 100 million yuan! Through the PDC of the Canton Fair, Xuan'ang's business continued to expand and reached overseas, and met a Japanese company. The annual sales of the mite eliminator designed for it reached 100,000 units, ranking second in Japan, allowing the company to quickly occupy the market. Rapid growth. Xuan Ang is currently developing a series of products such as smart trash cans with an American customer who has met at the Canton Fair, and is committed to letting the idea of Tianma Xingkong successfully land.

Insight into market demand, buyers transform into industrial designers

Shanghai Unicorn Business Consulting Co., Ltd. is an industrial design company specializing in the design of tools and auto parts products. This year is the first time to participate in the PDC design display of the Canton Fair. The founders of the company are all from foreign trade sales and procurement, and have worked in the procurement department of European and American groups such as Testrite, CTC, SUNEX. Unlike other design companies, they are market-oriented, have a more precise understanding of product positioning and demand in mainstream foreign markets, and can better understand the pain points of domestic manufacturers, so as to provide Chinese suppliers with brands, VI, Product design, pricing strategy and other comprehensive services. It is reported that this exhibition has been very fruitful and has received more than 100 customers, and it is expected that 50% can be converted into cooperative projects.

European design helps Chinese companies build brands

The most eye-catching booth design in this PDC design display area comes from Portuguese retail industry design expert PLM. The simple and elegant booth design and interactive system have attracted many domestic and foreign merchants to stop. According to Vincent Keung, general manager of the company's Asia region, PLM has focused on brand retail solutions for 40 years and is a store service provider for Apple, Samsung, Microsoft, and Huawei in the Portuguese region. Participated in the Canton Fair for the first time last year, and has cooperated with more than 10 Chinese companies through the PDC platform. This time through interactive technology, retailers will experience the experience of the storefront and retail environment brought by advanced interactive technology. Talking about the effect of this exhibition, Vincent was excited to tell the editor: 'In the three days of exhibition, we received more than 150 business cards of intent to cooperate from domestic and foreign brand companies and industrial design companies. The details of the exhibition have been communicated before the exhibition ends. It is expected to transform quickly. '