Understand industry trends and provide more professional services | PDC Jiangsu and Zhejiang Design Industry

From November 28th to December 2nd, PDC General Manager Xie Yingqun and his party conducted design and industry visits in Changshu, Nantong, Nanjing, Hangzhou and other four places, in-depth understanding of local industry and market dynamics, development needs, and close attention to design companies The development trend prepares both parties in the design industry to provide better and more efficient services.

In Changshu, PDC visited Changshu Garment City (hereinafter referred to as Garment City). The clothing city covers an area of 3.71 square kilometers and has more than 30,000 stores. After learning about PDC services and Canton Fair original design fashion show (hereinafter referred to as fashion show) and other activities, Gu Xinxin, director of the Garment City Economic Development Bureau, immediately expressed his intention to cooperate with PDC and use PDC resources to assist Garment City in design innovation and transformation upgrade. The two parties conducted detailed communication on the theme, form, and scheduling of fashion shows.

In Nantong, PDC visited Jiangsu Golden Sun Home Textile Co., Ltd., one of the largest home textile fabric suppliers in China. Golden Sun was rated as a national industrial design center in 2013, with more than 100 R & D personnel. Yuan Hongsheng, vice chairman of Golden Sun Textile Technology Co., Ltd., introduced that Golden Sun uses 'home textile brand overall solution provider' as its strategic positioning to provide value-added integration services for the entire home textile supply chain. It hopes to promote and create through close cooperation with PDC More business opportunities.

PDC and his party visited Jiangsu Huihong International Group Co., Ltd. (Huihong Group for short), the largest provincial foreign trade enterprise in Jiangsu. Huihong Group, which successfully completed its overall listing in 2015, is actively transforming from a traditional foreign trade enterprise to a supply chain integrated operation enterprise, and strengthening innovative design has become its endogenous demand for development. Group President Zhang Jian said that the Group's subsidiaries have more than 300 booths in the Canton Fair each time, and hope to work closely with PDC to help the Group and its subsidiaries design and implement production capacity.

In Hangzhou, PDC and his party visited three design companies, including old customers Hangzhou Spark, Hangzhou Guanqun, and Hangzhou Ruide, to understand everyone's current business model and development direction, and to discuss how design can be connected with industrial effectiveness.

In this trip, PDC established a Ningbo workstation, and PDC also participated in the 2016 Rhett Annual Fashion Festival and the 8th Rhett Excellent Graduation Design Invitational Competition, the first World Industrial Design Conference and other activities to keep abreast of industry trends and the true design supply and demand The demand has laid a solid foundation for PDC to provide more professional and efficient services.