Connect with Danish design and deepen enterprise transformation

'Danish Design' is a well-known business card in the world. Walking on the streets of Copenhagen, simple and elegant design aesthetics can be seen everywhere, from store facades, windows, plaza snack cars, tables and chairs in street corner cafes, to the vast but orderly bicycle team, all are exceptional. Feeling relaxed and happy, I feel the beauty of life. 'Design' has become a habit in Denmark and has become a habit, and has created great value for this country. Although the current level of design development in China is not comparable to Denmark, it is meaningful to discuss how 'Danish design' integrates with Chinese industry and integrates development, and becomes the main topic of this trip for the PDC promotion team (hereinafter referred to as the group).

From June 11th to 14th, the team conducted a four-day design exchange and exhibition in Copenhagen. They visited Pearlfisher, 3X, Danish Design Museum, Design Denmark, the RUBZ, Holscher Design and other design companies and institutions to design for Denmark. In-depth discussions on cooperation with Chinese manufacturing companies, all institutions and companies have generated strong willingness to cooperate in various activities held by PDC.

Pearlfisher and 3X were founded by designer Jesper von Wieding. Pearlfisher is mainly for product design and social innovation. 3X covers packaging and brand design. It has teams in New York, London, Beijing, Tianjin and Guangzhou. Headquartered in the creative district of Copenhagen, the team works in an independent wooden house, and the office furniture is designed by itself. In addition, he also created his own journal.

The 'Imperfect' design (I m perfect) ceramic brand story is rich in content and won the 'Danish Design Award'; the income obtained from developing and selling products with partners is used to build schools.

Jesper and the team discussed the possibilities and ways of continued cooperation between the two parties in the future. He said that he would drive other Danish designers to join the PDC family and cooperate in selected industries.

In Designmuseum Danmark (Denmark Design Museum), Chairman Johan Adam Linneballe introduced that the museum's building was first built in 765 AD and rebuilt in 1926. It started as a furniture design school. Today, well-known furniture design masters have studied here. Once a museum of arts and crafts, it was renamed the Danish Design Museum seven years ago, and began to usher in the golden age of its development, with tourists from six to seventy thousand people a year to two or three hundred thousand people today. The content and form of the exhibition are also more abundant. At the present stage, there are 'Denmark Design Now' (Japanese contemporary design), Japanese design and Danish design, 'The Danish Chair' (Denmark Chair), etc. In addition to witnessing the classic works of masters, Johan The story behind the design is moving. He discussed with the group the possibility of Danish design works being exhibited in China and the classic design cooperation with Chinese companies.

Design Denmark (Denmark Design Association) is a non-profit organization, is the largest industry association in Denmark, currently has 700-800 designer members, mainly responsible for promoting Danish design and professionalizing the Danish design industry. The team leader Chen Xiansheng introduced that the Canton Fair exhibitors are currently in a critical period of transformation and upgrading. Chinese products need world design, and world design needs to land Chinese products. I hope that Danish design will find opportunities to cooperate with them. Design Denmark's CEO Henrik Weiglin believes that China's design market is huge and will participate in PDC activities in the form of groups. The two sides conducted in-depth discussions on the form of participation.

Holscher Design has more than 40 years of history. It is one of Denmark's best design companies. Its business covers the world, and its design covers home appliances, machinery, furniture, medical treatment, baby products, office and household items, packaging, etc. The company has an international design team with members from seven countries. It has cooperated with Apple, Philips, Lego, Danish metro station, Danish bus station and major European brands to win many international awards. Holscher Design CEO Rasmus Holscher and senior project manager Anders G. Ellegarrd both stated that the company is exploring the Chinese market and they plan to participate in the Canton Fair in October.

Design and industry are eternal topics. In the context of rapid changes in the current era and rapid technological information, how to contribute to the sustainable development of social health is actually everyone's task. What PDC practices is just one of them. We will work with Danish design with a pragmatic attitude and professional spirit to connect with the Chinese industry.