PDC Co-Creation Day Forum and Design Night were successfully held

On April 17th, the 125th Canton Fair PDC Co-creation Day event, sponsored by China Foreign Trade Center, jointly organized by China Minmetals Chemicals Import and Export Chamber of Commerce and Canton Fair Product Design and Trade Promotion Center (PDC), was successfully held at the Westin Canton Fair .

Cao Xue, Dean of the School of Visual Art and Design, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Li Yaohua, Expert Committee Member of China Service Design Development Center, Dong Zhiguo, Founding CEO of PopupUnion, and other guests attended the forum and delivered keynote speeches. The theme of the forum is 'The Only Road to Explosive Products', focusing on key links such as product design, brand promotion, e-commerce and new retail explosives case analysis, to guide companies, brands, and products to highlight the encirclement and tell the audience The birth road of 'explosive'. The forum attracted more than 150 people.


After the forum, as the theme of another co-creation day, the 125th Canton Fair 'Minmetals · PDC Design Night' was successfully held that night. Wen Zhongliang, Deputy Director of China Foreign Trade Center, China Minmetals Chemicals Import and Export Chamber of Commerce Vice President Liu Zhonghui attended the event and delivered a speech.

Wen Zhongliang mentioned in his speech that the Canton Fair, as 'China's First Exhibition', has always been committed to promoting Chinese products to the world. The Canton Fair's Product Design and Trade Promotion Center (PDC) adapts to corporate needs and industry expectations, and promotes the effective docking of design and manufacturing through 'design promotion trade' series of activities such as design display, design docking service, export product design award selection and design forum. Help China to win the market with design and lead the industry. He highly affirmed the forum in the afternoon and the design night event in the evening. He hoped that the guests could further deepen the interaction of 'design' and 'manufacturing' in a pleasant atmosphere, tap more business opportunities for cooperation, and achieve more mutually beneficial development.

Liu Zhonghui said that with the continuous promotion of consumption upgrading, 'design' has become the core value of the enterprise. The Minmetals Chamber of Commerce insists on opening up the important links of the 'design, manufacturing, sales' industry chain for member companies, helping the enterprise to expand from scale to quality and efficiency. Transformation, realizing brand dividends and gaining greater space in the international market. The Design Night event provides an opportunity for companies and designers to communicate, allowing member companies of Minmetals Chamber of Commerce to further realize the seamless connection between products and design, and seeks in-depth cooperation and development and broad trade opportunities.

A total of more than 150 people including the leaders of various trading groups, representatives of buyers, representatives of international designers and media representatives attended the design night. The atmosphere was lively.