PDC · International ceramic design enters Chaozhou

PDC · 国际陶瓷设计走进潮州

Chaozhou, Guangdong has always enjoyed the reputation of 'China's Porcelain Capital', and its ceramics category, variety and scale rank the highest in the world. Ceramic products are updated and iterated quickly, and there is a huge demand for design innovation. The transformation and upgrading of the ceramic manufacturing industry are inseparable from the design and innovation of products and technologies.

From November 29th to December 1st, PDC was co-sponsored by the Talent Office of the Organization Department of the Chaozhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, Chaozhou Ceramic Research Institute, Chaozhou Arts and Crafts Research Institute, PDC Workstation (Chaozhou Xiangqiao), China International Chamber of Commerce Chaozhou Xiangqiao Chamber The 'International Ceramic Design Into Chaozhou' series of activities undertaken by the organizer was successfully held in Chaozhou. Prof. Li Jianshen, an internationally renowned ceramics master, and Wang Zhiping, founder of Taiwan ’s hometown Yaji, brought new ideas of design innovation and corporate development to teachers and students of Chaozhou ceramics enterprises and ceramic colleges by visiting ceramic enterprises, holding forums and sharing exchanges and other activities .

On November 30, the theme event of 'One Thousand Years, Meet the Earth' was held in Chaozhou E-commerce Park. About 100 teachers and students from Chaozhou Hanshi Taoyuan and Chaozhou Pottery School attended the event. By reviewing this year's ceramic journey, Li Jianshen described the human feelings and the charm of ceramics everywhere. He encouraged the teachers and students present to broaden their horizons and insist on innovation to contribute to the continuous innovation and development of Chaozhou Ceramics.

On December 1, the ''Spirit of Porcelain' Branding and Humanistic Feelings of the Chinese Ceramic Industry' Forum was held at the Fengxi Ceramic Exhibition Center in Chaozhou. Su Jinhao, Minister of the Organization Department of the Xiangqiao District Committee of Chaozhou, Chen Demao, President of the Chaozhou Ceramic Research Institute, Nearly one hundred people, including Cai Peiqiang, Dean of Chaozhou Arts and Crafts Research Institute, leaders of Commerce Bureau of Xiangqiao District, Chaozhou City, and representatives of ceramic enterprises attended the event.

Li Jianshen encourages companies to change their design and management ideas through case sharing, take advantage of current manufacturing advantages, expand their horizons, and gradually build ceramic brands with Chaozhou characteristics and imprints. At the same time, he thanked PDC and Xiangqiao District Bureau of Commerce for organizing this trip to Chaozhou, so that he had a new understanding of the product characteristics of Chaozhou ceramic industry, the current status of the company's survival and the development potential, he was willing to communicate and interact closely with local enterprises , To build Chaozhou cultural brand through resource integration.

Teacher Wang Zhiping gave an interactive sharing with the audience present on the topic of 'New Thinking of Entrepreneurs in the Heart Age'. He believes that in the information age, the development of Chaozhou enterprises must keep pace with the times, constantly self-denying, innovating, and responding to social and market developments.

PDC will continue to promote the close cooperation between 'World Design' and 'Made in China', organize more high-quality and efficient docking exchange activities, promote industry-university-research linkage, and help enterprises in design innovation and achieve transformation and upgrading.