Match unique and creative Spanish design

If Italy is a country with a strong historical culture and artistic heritage in the impression of the Chinese, then Spain, which is also on the Mediterranean coast, is a business card with a passionate and surprising wild design style.

Spain is one of the important cradle of modernist culture and art, giving birth to such outstanding geniuses as the 'Art Nouveau' sports masters Gaudi, 'Cubism' Picasso, and 'Surrealism' Dali. In this land of freedom and open integration, not only the flamenco dance and the bullfighting make people bloody, but also the delicious Spanish ham and the Zara fast fashion that are bought and bought by trendy people around the world are also intoxicating. For Spaniards, art, passion, and happiness are attitudes that go deep into life.

On June 21-23, the PDC promotion team (hereinafter referred to as the group) visited Bilbao and Barcelona, Spain, visited local government departments, design institutions / associations, design companies, convention and exhibition associations, conference centers, etc., and held exchanges and promotion respectively. The meeting has achieved good results, and all parties have a strong willingness to cooperate.

Bilbao is the capital city of the Bizkaia province of the Basque Country. In the past three decades, it has successfully transformed from a traditional port shipbuilding and heavy industry economy to a service economy dominated by 'design'. . Its development concept and practical experience are similar to PDC's role of 'connecting design | promoting industry | enhancing value' in Canton Fair. By visiting the Bilbao Exhibition Bureau, the Bilbao Convention Center, and the Guggenheim Museum, the group learned the development planning and practical experience of the effective combination of the local 'design + exhibition + economy'.

In Bilbao, the group co-organized a symposium with the Basque Regional Designers Association EIDE, inviting design company representatives from different fields such as industrial design and fashion design to attend. At the meeting, the group introduced the design display, fashion show, design docking, online PDC and other services, and answered the designers' questions about the exhibition area content, industrial needs, design docking, etc. one by one. Benideo Aguerrea, head of EIDE, said that he hopes to win financial support from government departments and gradually implement the delegation to participate in PDC design activities next year.

Barcelona, Spain's second largest city, is a world-renowned Mediterranean tourist destination and a world-famous historical and cultural city. It is also Spain's most important trading, industrial and financial base, and it is also the world's design, creativity and innovation capital.

(Barcelona Centre de Disseny, organizer of Barcelona Design Week) co-organized the PDC promotion and designer sharing meeting, and invited PDC new and old design company customer representatives to attend. The group introduced the PDC's purpose, business and services to BCD representatives and designers. The participants immediately showed a strong willingness to participate and expressed their desire to learn more about the connection between the Chinese market, especially international designers and Chinese companies. Xavier Majoral, an old PDC customer and designer from Stimulo Design Company, shared his experience and suggestions on successful cooperation with PDC exhibitors through the PDC and encouraged his colleagues to 'Commit to China to actively participate in China. Sonia Monclus, manager of the BCD industrial cluster, said that in view of the high enthusiasm of the participants, they will contact the relevant government departments in the near future to seek support and assist design companies to develop the Chinese market through the Canton Fair.

Bilbao is a typical small and sophisticated city in Europe. Through the power of design, it has cleverly and effectively seized the bridgehead of European economic recovery and development, and has reserved space for future development. Barcelona is a truly diversified international city. Because it combines historical precipitation and modern tolerance, it attracts artists and designers from around the world to form a transcendent and unique personality, which constantly surprises people. We believe that whether it is a small and medium-sized factory seeking breakthroughs and market development, or a large company seeking to lead and expand, the global design and innovation resources of the Canton Fair and PDC will effectively help you create unique products and corporate brands, and help enterprises transform and upgrade.